Sunday Oct, 25th @ CINEFAMILY - PLAN 9 from Outer Space
For the uninitiated, Mr. Wood was a filmmaker who pooled all his resources to make movies in the '50s and '60s; the thing is, the films aren’t very good. In fact, they're legendarily "bad", at least by any conventional definition -- glued together with the no-budget, eager showmanship that later gave him the unfair title of "Worst Director Ever" and a fervent cult following from Glenn Danzig to Tim Burton. But let’s destroy the “so-bad-it's-good” term. Ed Wood made lovable movies with strong atmosphere, awkward dialogue, implausible plots and a static style that is as strange and seductive as it is hilarious. It's been 50 years since he made his magnum opus, Plan 9 from Outer Space -- with an all-star cast of Tor Johnson, Vampira, Criswell, Bela Legosi -- and we're here to celebrate with a rare 35mm screening! After the intermission, stick around for Tim Burton's genius love letter to Wood, in the form of Johnny Depp in the starring role of Ed Wood!
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